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WIN the Ultimate Adventure and $7000 Worth of Olympus Camera Gear


We have partnered with We Are Explorers for the ultimate adventure and Olympus prize. By answering one simple question, you could WIN a Vanuatu holiday valued at over $5000, PLUS $7000 worth of Olympus camera gear. No, you’re not dreaming. 

Imagine for a second, the day that Australia opens its international borders. Australians free once again to meander the globe, and an influx of international tourists stoked to be back on Aussie soil. 

Where will you be? Still at home on the couch? Or on a plane about to embark on a once-in-a-bloody-lifetime trip to our neighbouring adventure archipelago, Vanuatu, with a backpack stuffed full of Olympus camera gear in tow? 

Thanks to We Are Explorers, WIN the ultimate adventure, keeping you inspired and travel-ready for when that moment of freedom arrives. Together with a backpack filled with Olympus gear, you will capture an adventure-filled experience without being weighed down.